Sunday, 13 March 2016

E-Commerce : Local Foods (Medan Selera Kampar & Restaurant Fook Kee)

A. Your group opinion and why you selected these two places

 First of all, we think that the foods in these 2 places are wonderful and the customer service is good, the waitress is polite. We notice that the business is as good as what we have heard from our friends and same as what people say in the internet. We also have to wait quite a while before we can get a seat; the shop is always full of people. Furthermore, we have to come early or else the food at the shop will sell out.

The reason why we choose these 2 places is because it is well known for its local cuisine and there is a diverse variety of food that we can choose from. The medan selera Kampar for example, has wantan noodle, chee cheong fun, kway teo and many more. The price is cheap but the quantity is reasonable and the taste is good. All the hawker are local people not like those shop nowadays where they hire foreigner and the taste of the food is totally not what it taste like. The other place that we choose is Fook Key claypot chicken rice. This shop has been in operation for many years and they still are using charcoal the traditional method to cook the claypot chicken rice. Even though, the duration is longer but is worth it. The taste of the claypot chicken rice is totally different from those other shop that no longer use charcoal to cook it. The dish itself has the fragrant smell of the charcoal. This is the original method as why it is call claypot chicken rice. Compare to those shops nowadays, those claypot chicken rice is out of the list. Even though those claypot chicken rice can be cook very fast and in mass amount, but it no longer has the original taste of the claypot chicken rice.   

Our experience to the shop was good; we did not regret going there. Definitely we will recommend to our friends too who like to try the taste of Kampar food.

B. Classification by Natures of the Transaction or Interactions. 

The interactions between businesses and their customers, vendors and others with whom they do business is business transaction. Transactions can be very simple like paying a cup of coffee or can be complexity like companies or agencies is taking long time to process. Highly technology and management also increase the efficiency of business transaction. Some transactions are simple such as paying four dollars to buy a food, paying the payment of UTAR bills by cash, buying something expensive like I-phone4s by cash. This kind of transactions issimple transactions. Besides that, complex transactions included a travel agency requires booking hotels, flights, boat or rail to setting up vacation, getting a mortgages which is requires numerous transactions such as buyer, seller, lender, real estate agent and more. Some business transactions are ongoing especially international transactions between countries; sales of goods and services or a loan from one government to another. In the same way, ongoing transactions included the multiple business transactions between the vendor, its employees, its suppliers, its customer and the customer's market involved by a contract between a supplier or vendor and another business.

There are many types of business transactions which are business to consumer (B2C), business to business (B2B), consumer to consumer (C2C), business to employees (B2E), business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C), e-government, collaborative commerce (c-commerce) and more. Based on the assignment, the Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKee are using the Business to consumer (B2C) transactions.Business to consumer transactions is the transaction between a business and its consumer. The terms of business to consumer (B2C) no same with business to business (B2B), it is because these transactions are done with no intent on the consumer’s part to use the product or service for commercial purposes. For example, a girl goes to shopping bought the clothes to be given as birthday gifts is B2C transactions. On the other hand, the shopper bought the clothes in order to resell it in his/her online shop is the one of B2B transactions. Business to consumer transactions through face to face is the one of the simplest forms of business transactions. For example, customers go into their shop to enjoy the foods and beverages by using the cash. Besides that, there have one more benefit to enjoy the food in Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKee which is without paying any extra charge such as GST. 

C.  Business model

Business model defined as a method of conducting a business in order to generate revenue to sustain itself which includes revenue models and value propositions.

The business model for both chosen local foods is traditional business model which not related to electronic commerce to conduct its revenue models. Its profits generate from providing products and services to customers, such as cooking delicious meals and provides well manner while asking order. The total revenue is highly depending on the reputation number of customer which caused by fulfilled customers' satisfaction and the quality of foods. The customers of the two places targeted sare mostly in Kampar area and tourism.

Both of targets chosen have a similarity in revenue model which is sales model. It generates revenue by converting raw foods to dish and serve to customers. However, they also have some problems that need to solve is how to maintain the profit exceed business expenses in a long run. As addition, their main expenses incur are raw foods, rental, employees' salaries and utility fees such as electricity and water fee. In order to solve this problem, customers' attention and satisfaction are the most important key to generate a large profit in restaurant industry. Thus, They tried to differentiate themselves with other competitor by creating their own uniqueness of their taste of foods. The pricing mechanisms are followed the general market price which are predefined prices on size of foods such as the prices of Claypot Chicken Rice with Salty fish in medium size is RM13.00 and large size is RM15.00.

D. Basis approach use in Marketing and Advertising

The advertising methods used by both Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKeeare viral marketing and social media marketing.

Viral marketing is word-of-mouth marketing by which customers promote a product or service by telling others about it. This approach is benefit to the hawkers because they do not need to spend extra money for promoting their food. Usually, if the customers enjoyed the food, they will recommend it to their friends. People are highly trusted to the recommendations made by their friends and their friends are mostly willing to make a try to visit the hawker store. Therefore, word-of–mouth marketing will directly bring more customers to the hawkers and increase their sales. Besides, there has some bloggers and food hunt visited to their shop will promote and recommend on their web page.Through this method, it indirectly helps Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKeecreate viral advertisement.

Next is social media marketing (SMM), a term that describe use of social media platforms such as wikis, blog, and other online media for marketing, sales and customer services. Both Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKee have a page on Facebook to promoting and share their foods. They create Facebook page for online communities to give feedback and comment on foods, through this they can identify problem and solve the problem quickly. Furthermore, through Facebook can help their shop create viral advertisementscustomers who enjoyed the food will share and recommend it to their friends.

Through viral marketing and social media marketing, it brings many benefits to Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKee such as save money on customer services, learn from customer feedback, increase trust via direct communication and reduce advertising expenses

E. Recommendations to Improve Business through E-Commerce

E-commerce is defined as an online marketplace whereby buyers and also sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money or even information. There are many benefits for e-commerce, such as customers can shop anytime they want regardless where they are. Apart from that, e-commerce also allows customers to find easily what they, with details, etc.

It is recommended that both Medan Selera Kampar and also RestoranFookKee to go for partial e-commerce whereby the customers can order the food through online channel and the food will be physically distributed to the customers through delivery service. Currently, Medan Selera Kampar and also RestoranFookKee are categorized under brick-and-mortar business model. Brick-and-mortar is defined as the old-economy organizations that perform their primary business through offline channel, selling physical products by means of physical agents. Medan Selera Kampar and RestoranFookKee can offer digital ordering for the customers within Kampar area. It offers an online channel to those customers who are lazy to go out for meal or busy with their activities can so that they can order the food digitally and receive the food at the place they stayed later on and hence, it will directly improve their business.

RestoranFookKee and Medan Selera Kampar can advertise their food through video advertisement. Viral video would be a great idea in order to gain widespread popularity through Internet sharing process. Viral video is typically spread through e-mail, blogs, and also other media-sharing websites. For example, RestoranFookKee and Medan Selera Kampar can make an interesting video clip by putting a number of pictures and some descriptions on the food and post it to social media to let the others to comment and share from time to time. It will help them to gain popularity in the process of sharing video clips from one person to another and improve their business.


Jane, D. (2016). Business Transaction Definition & Examples. Retrieved from

Business Pundit Expert Driven (2015). Business-to-consumer (B2C). Retrieved from

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y (2009). Business Model Generation. ISBN: 978-2-8399-0580-0, 

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    Some parts were lack of information.
    Video clip is average only.

    Anyway, thank you.
